Section 6A of The Parliamentary Remuneration Act 1990 provides for allowances and other benefits additional or supplementary to the awards of the Remuneration Tribunal under the Act.

The Governor in Executive Council has determined that members of the House of Assembly are entitled to a global allowance. This may be applied at the discretion of individual members to meet certain classes of costs incurred in the reasonable discharge of their duties.

The global allowance scheme

The global allowance scheme was introduced in October 1994, when all previous allowances were consolidated into one, allowing members more flexibility in managing their office funding.

The global allowance allocation is administered by the Department of Treasury and Finance, reporting to the Treasurer as responsible Minister.

Basis of the global allowance

The global allowance is provided to members of the House of Assembly for funding expenditure based on the following principle:

An expense is properly incurred if it is used in the reasonable discharge of a Member of the House of Assembly’s duties and / or roles as a Member of Parliament or the holder of a Parliamentary office. The duties of a Member as a Shadow Minister are included as part of the Member’s role as a Member of Parliament.

Guidance notes

To assist members in the administration of their global allowance, guidance notes are provided which detail the specific exclusions of expenditure. The guidance notes detail the arrangements for the global allowance and the financial authority of Members.

Guidance notes (PDF, 229.3 KB)

Quarterly statements

Quarterly statements of global allowance expenditures by each member are published on this site commencing first quarter each year.

Global allowance statement by quarter - ended March 2024

Monthly capped allowance

Separately and in addition to the global allowance, Members receive a monthly capped allowance for three expenditure categories:

  • $579.84 for telecommunications – mobile telephone calls
  • $231.94 for telecommunications – land line
  • $231.94 for photocopying.

The quarterly statements exclude expenditure incurred by members in their monthly-capped expenditure items.  However expenditure incurred over and above the capped limit is charged against their global allowance and recorded in the appropriate expenditure category on their quarterly statement.

For more information on the monthly capped allowance please refer to the guidance notes (PDF, 393.8 KB)).