What is an Unsolicited Proposal?

When a business or a not-for-profit organisation approaches the government with a proposal that hasn't formally been requested and does not fit into existing procurement processes, it’s known as an unsolicited proposal.

The Government of South Australia welcomes unsolicited proposals from the community. We know we don’t have all the ideas and we want to work with the private sector to identify new and innovative ways to drive our state’s development.

Unsolicited proposals can cover a wide range of areas, including:

  • the delivery of services to or on behalf of government
  • the provision of infrastructure
  • access to government assets
  • requests for government support (financial, regulatory or other) to undertake an activity

To ensure the government’s assessment process is transparent and protects the intellectual property rights of applicants, a set of Guidelines for the Assessment of Unsolicited Proposals has been developed. To submit an unsolicited proposal, please refer to the guidelines first then complete the online form.

The current composition of the Committee is:

  • Rick Persse, Under Treasurer, Department of Treasury and Finance (Chair of the Committee)
  • Damien Walker, Chief Executive, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
  • Edwina Handshin, Special Counsel to the Crown Solicitor, Crown Solicitor’s Office

Unsolicited proposals currently being assessed in Step 2 (Exclusive Negotiations and Business Case)

ProjectProponentLocation Assessment status
Bedford land disposal and purchaseBedford Group LtdSouthern SuburbsSouth Australian Housing Authority leading Step 2
Access to Salt Interception Scheme Brine WaterMagnetite Mines LtdRiverland and BraemarDepartment for Environment and Water leading Step 2
Proposal for expansion land and rail loopFlinders Port Holdings Pty LtdInner HarbourDepartment of Infrastructure and Transport leading Step 2
Pumped hydro energy storageNorth Harbour Clean EnergyKangaroo Creek and Highbury QuarryDepartment of Energy and Mining leading Step 2
Select State Registries Land Services SA Operating Pty Ltd South Australia DTF leading Step 2 assessment
Asset acquisitionNeuRizerLeigh CreekDepartment for Infrastructure and Transport leading Step 2
Land acquisitionThe Craven GroupGoolwaDepartment for Education leading Step 2 assessment

Unsolicited proposals currently being assessed in Step 3 (Contract Negotiation)

ProjectProponentLocation Assessment status
Land acquisitionPort Augusta Operations LtdStirling NorthDIT leading Step 3 assessment


Unsolicited Proposals Team
Department of Treasury and Finance
Telephone: (08) 8522 0899
Email: DTFUnsolicitedProposals@sa.gov.au