In 2021, South Australia underwent the largest modernisation of its planning system in 20 years, introducing the Planning and Design Code and Australia’s first fully digital, 24/7 planning system, PlanSA.

The Planning and Design Code has greatly improved the planning landscape in South Australia and has enabled the State Government to fast-track approvals for simple applications to help alleviate the pressures of housing availability and affordability.

Changes to the planning system are underway to streamline approval processes, enabling the revised process to be up to 18 months faster compared to the current process:

  • Streamlined code amendment process
  • Transparent tracking of code amendment
  • Outline consent assessment tool
  • Faster land division assessment
  • Real property reforms
  • Automated planning decision against set criteria
  • Encourage combining local government assessment panels and planning departments
  • Activating existing land holdings

For more information